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Meet Our Team - Tyson

May 16, 2023

Today I want to introduce you to Tyson Hendrix.

Tyson is a residential install foreman for The Ohio Floor Company. He has been with the company for 6 years. Tyson has 2 children and has been dating Lacy Smith for 6 years.

When asked how he likes to spend his time outside of work, Tyson said “In the summer I enjoy floating/playing in the river with my kids, but in the winter, I am more of a homebody. Staying in where it is warm and watching movies, that is a perfect winter evening.” Tyson also added, “The one thing I enjoy all year is good food.”

An interesting fact you may not know about Tyson is, “When I was asked by an elementary school teacher what I wanted to be when he grew up, I said, I want to be a carpenter.” I guess little Tyson was on to something.

When asked what Tyson enjoys most about his job, his response was “The sense of pride and accomplishment from completing a floor and making people so happy with what they have purchased.”

What is your favorite job completed by The Ohio Floor Company? Tyson replied, “The Klinger job. The pattern I laid in the dining room was a challenge, but it turned out great.”

To finish up our conversation with Tyson he was asked the following two questions: What is one of your favorite quotes and If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be and why?

“Treat others as you would have them treat you” is the quote Tyson would like to share with you. And as far as who he would like to eat a meal with, Tyson said “My Grandfather. I just always looked up to him and miss him terribly. He always gave me such great advice.”