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Slippery Hardwood Floors
Slippery hardwood floors are a hazard, but you don't have to live with them. Learn about five common causes, from wear and tear to improper cleaning products, and discover effective solutions to keep your floors safe and slip-free. Follow these tips to maintain your hardwood floors and ensure a secure environment in your home. If problems persist, contact The Ohio Floor Company for expert assistance.
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Changing the Color of Your Hardwood Floor
Transform your home with updated hardwood floors without the hassle of replacement. The Ohio Floor Company specializes in sanding and staining existing hardwood to a color that suits your style. Our expert process removes dents and scratches, bringing your floors back to life and giving them a fresh, new look. Whether you've discovered hidden hardwood under carpet or want to refresh an old floor, we can help you achieve the perfect finish to match your décor.
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How to Protect Hardwood from Dogs
Struggling to balance your love for hardwood floors with your furry companions? We've got you covered! Read to learn some tips to protect your floors from scratches and accidents caused by pets. With the advice from The Ohio Floor Company, you can enjoy beautiful hardwood floors and happy pets, stress-free!
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How Long Does It Take to Install Hardwood Floors
When considering how long it takes to install hardwood floors, several factors come into play. Planning is crucial to keeping the project on schedule and preventing disruptions. Solid hardwood floors are typically installed early in the project, while prefinished hardwood is installed later to avoid damage. The type of wood, installation method, and the size of the area all influence the timeline. By considering these factors, you can better estimate the installation time for your hardwood floors.
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Floors With Heart
The Ohio Floor Company, Steppin' Out Missions, and Greater Cleveland Youth For Christ
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Meet Our Team - Matt
When asked what Matt enjoys most about his job, “I really enjoy the work environment here at The Ohio Floor Company. I enjoy coming to work and the people I work with.” Today I want to introduce you to Matt "Stoney" Stonebrook, General Laborer for The Ohio Floor Company.
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Meet Our Team - Eric
“I love seeing the transformation we can make in our customers' homes. Our crews display great craftmanship”, Eric says. Today I want to introduce you to Eric Yoder, a residential salesman for The Ohio Floor Company.
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Meet Our Team - Brad
Brad said, “Ray Lewis says it best, “If you’re going to do it, why not be the best.” Today I want to introduce you to Bradley Henderson, a sanding foreman for The Ohio Floor Company.
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Meet Our Team - Willie
“Do to others as you would have them do you” is the quote Wille would like to share with you. Today I want to introduce you to Willie Parrot, a residential salesman for The Ohio Floor Company.
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Meet Our Team - Tyson
“When I was asked by an elementary school teacher what I wanted to be when he grew up, I said, I want to be a carpenter.” I guess little Tyson was on to something. Today I want to introduce you to Tyson Hendrix, a residential install foreman for The Ohio Floor Company.
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Meet Our Team - Kevin
When asked what Kevin enjoys most about his job, “The relationships that I have developed and that have been built throughout the years,” he says. Today I want to introduce you to Kevin Miller, Vice-President of The Ohio Floor Company.
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Meet Our Team - Steve
“Problems are the guardians of success,” is the quote Steve shared. Today, I want to introduce you to Steve Yoder, the original founder and owner of the company for its 38 year history.
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