Today I want to introduce you to Willie Parrot.
Willie is a residential salesman for The Ohio Floor Company. He has been with the company for 19 years.
Willie and his wife Amber have been married for 15 years and have three children.
When asked how he likes to spend his time when not at work, Willie said “I am a pretty simple guy, being at home with my family is how I like to spend my free time.”
An interesting fact you may not know about Willie is that he is a fill in minister at the Holmesville Church of Christ.
When asked what Willie enjoys most about his job, his response was “I love to walk people through the process of picking out a floor for their home. When we get to the end of the job and they are happy with the floor, knowing I was part of the process gives me great joy.”
What is your favorite job completed by The Ohio Floor Company? Wille replied “I have been at this so long it is hard to pick out that one favorite job. What I will say is what stands out to me most is all the wonderful people I have met over the years, that is more rememberable than any one job.”
To finish up our conversation with Wille he was asked the following two questions. What is one of your favorite quotes? and if you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be and why?
“Do to others as you would have them do you” is the quote Wille would like to share with you. And as far as who he would like to eat a meal with, Wille said “I love spending time with my extended family so if I could have dinner with anyone I would have a big family reunion, getting both my living family and those that have passed away together, now that would be a great meal.”